The Crow's Nest

One day back in early March I was gazing out of the kitchen window while doing the washing-up, when I noticed a pair of carrion crows (Corvus corone) building a nest in a tree in the grounds of Reading School. At about 30m tall, the tree is the tallest in the area, and the crows had built their nest in the thin branches right at the top. On March 10th and 11th both of the crows were visiting the nest frequently and presumably they were still building it. Here are a few photos I took of them from that period:
Later in March I saw them visiting the nest much less often and at some times I even thought they must have abandoned the nest. However, in early April I realised that a dark shape on the top of the nest must be one of the birds sitting on eggs. This is a photo from April 6th:
Then today, April 9th, neither of the birds was sitting on the nest but they were still occasionally returning to it and poking their heads into it. Presumably the eggs have hatched and the pair are now feeding their young. One final photo, from today: