Entries in Birds (207)


Peregrine Falcon at Reading University

This morning I saw what I am fairly sure was a peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) at Reading University. It was making small looping flights from the top of the east side of the Animal and Microbial Science Building.  Underneath (which is alll I saw of it) it appeared mostly whiteish with a black head but this was from a distance.  When It landed back on the top of the building there were various calls which suggests it has a nest there.  When I next go to the university I will be taking my camera and binoculars with me.


Foot stamping gulls

A pair of herring gulls (Larus argentatus) on the lawn in front of our flats.

The gull on the left was persistently stamping its feet on the ground, presumably to encourage worms to come to the surface.  The gull on the right only did it occasionally and most of the time just seemed to be waiting for the other one to finish.

Photo taken in Reading, UK on 2022-01-27


Blue Tit

A blue tit (Paridae: Cyanistes caeruleus) emerging from a hole in the top of a security camera pole in a car park.

Photo taken at Whiteknights Park, Reading, UK on 2020-05-04.


Great Tit

A dead great tit, Parus major

Found on the staircase of our flats. It must have got in through one of the open windows but then panicked and crashed itself into a closed windows while trying to get out again.

Three years ago a nuthatch died in the same way.

Photos taken on 2019-04-27 in Reading, UK.



Another nuthatch (Sitta europaea), this time on the tree outside our bedroom window.

Photos taken in Reading, UK, on 2015-04-08.