Entries from July 1, 2005 - July 31, 2005


Some Time with Feynman by Leonard Mlodinow

In 1981 a young physics graduate joined the faculty at Caltech.  He was given an office on the same corridor as Murray Gell-Mann and Richard Feynman.  This is his account of his conversations with these two giants of 20th Century physics.  It is a small, slight book - I read it in one evening and two half-hour train journeys -  but is a marvelous read, both witty and warm.


The Kraken Wakes by John Wyndham

A newly married couple, both radio journalists, are taking their honeymoon on a cruise liner.  One evening they see five red meteors crash into the sea.  It is the start of an alien invasion of the Earth in which the invaders colonize the deep sea trenches and then start to move upwards onto the land.  An exciting, apocalyptic tale set in a post-war world in which governments are stupid and short-sighted.  Contains one or two quite contemporary themes, but is dated in parts.  The aliens remain unseen and inexplicable throughout which makes them really threatening.  A good bed-time read, and well worth the £1.49 I paid for it at the local Oxfam bookshop.


A Pigeon takes to the Water

This evening I was watching some Canada geese on the Kennet in central Reading when something rather strange happened: a feral pigeon flew down and landed on the water amongst the geese.  I must have forgotten itself because the splash it caused seemed to surprise it and it immediately flew up again.  I suppose that it could have been picking up a piece of bread off the water but I didn't see any bread, and nobody was feeding the geese at the time.  I prefer to think that this bird just made a mistake and recovered just in time


Wood Pigeons and a Red Kite

I was out walking with Zoe through Reading University grounds this evening when two wood pigeons flew low across the path in front of us, and low over the adjoining field, apparently trying to keep in the cover of the occasional trees and bushes.  This seemed odd to me as pigeons usually don't seem to mind flying high, and I remarked on it to Zoe.

A few seconds later Zoe pointed to what she thought was gull silhouetted against the sunset.  It was rather large for a gull and it seemed to be flying rather to fast.  Then I noticed that its was forked and I realised that it must be a red kite.  Just a few minutes earlier someone we had met by the lake had said they had just seen one, so I take that as a sort of pre-confirmation.  I flew off over some trees and we didn't get another look at it.  The pigeons could well have known that the kite was around and were flying low to avoid attracting its attention.


Herons and Kingfishers

On Monday evening I stopped on my way home by the lake near Frimley station to watch one of the (presumably) young herons when a pair of small birds darted out of the woods behind it.  They flew low over the lake and then turned and flashed bright kingfisher blue in the sun before diving into the bushes on the far side.