Teacher Training Interview

I had my teacher training interview yesterday. The actual interview was in the afternoon following a morning of administrative checks, presentations and discussions. Even though the interviewer had warned us beforehand that he was going to play the devil's advocate, I found the interview rough going and felt rather depressed afterwards (although lack of sleep the night before might have contributed to this). One good thing was that he said that my mathematical background was sufficient for the course, which I had suspected but it was nice to hear it confirmed. His main doubt was what I would be like in front a class (instead of in the middle, as I am as a teaching assistant), and he said he would like to see me actually teaching 10 minutes of a lesson before he made his mind up. This sounds to me like an excellent de-risking move (I should probably have thought of it myself, but it didn't occur to me). He said he would contact the school to arrange a visit and, on Monday, I will enquire in the maths department about getting some practice. At the end of the interview he said that he couldn't tell whether I was going to be a disaster or an "eccentric success" (I think I heard that right).