Entries from April 1, 2022 - April 30, 2022


Git Push asks for Password instead of using SSH Key

One recurring minor annoyance with git is that if you create a new local respository using git clone then it defaults to always asking for a password when you do git push instead of using a pre-existing SSH key. If you are pushing to Github then the push will fail because Github recently started blocking password-based access on security grounds.

To get it to use the SSH key you need to open .git/config in an editor and change the [remote "origin"] url so it starts ssh:// instead of https;//.


Leyland Kirby

One of the great joys of lockdown for me was discovering the works of Leyland Kirby (also known as 'The Caretaker'). At last I had found another experimental musician with with the depth and scope of William Basinski!

The best place to listen Leylands stuff is Bandcamp but his main site there is rather awkward to navigate in that you have to know to click through the Discography links to get to his full works on each project. The following links will take you straight there:

Probably the easiest place to start is with the older works on The Caretaker list:

There is also a good interview with Leyland on Bandcamp here.

i like to think that BBC Radio 3 will sometime have a 'Leyland Kirby Day' and I will hear at least excerpts from The Death of Rave (VVM) on that classical music station.


Peregrine Falcon at Reading University

This morning I saw what I am fairly sure was a peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) at Reading University. It was making small looping flights from the top of the east side of the Animal and Microbial Science Building.  Underneath (which is alll I saw of it) it appeared mostly whiteish with a black head but this was from a distance.  When It landed back on the top of the building there were various calls which suggests it has a nest there.  When I next go to the university I will be taking my camera and binoculars with me.