Bibionid Fly

A male Bibionid fly, probably a St Mark's fly, Bibio marci (Diptera: Bibionidae).
Photo taken in Whiteknights Park, Reading University grounds, Reading, UK, on 2010-04-28.
A male Bibionid fly, probably a St Mark's fly, Bibio marci (Diptera: Bibionidae).
Photo taken in Whiteknights Park, Reading University grounds, Reading, UK, on 2010-04-28.
Probably a green-winged orchid (Anacamptis morio = Orchis morio).
The leaves look like this:
Photos taken in Whiteknights Park, Reading University grounds, Reading, UK, on 2010-04-27.
A male hoverfly, probably species Epistrophe eligans (Diptera: Syrphidae).
And I think this a female of the same species:
Photos taken in the Wilderness, Whiteknights Park, Reading University grounds, Reading, UK, on 2010-04-20.
A dagger fly, probably Empis sp (Diptera: Empididae). [Note added 2010-05-10: Actually, the short proboscis and dark colour looks more like Rhamphomyia sp., possibly Rhamphomyia sulcata.]
On Saturday I had to take Zoe to Charvil for a piano exam. We had a bit of time to kill beforehand so we went for a walk and I took these photos.
Photos taken in Charvil Country Park, near Reading, UK on 2010-04-24.
Yesterday a pair of sand martins (Riparia riparia) flew past me as I was walking alongside the river Kennet in central Reading.