From last April, a pair of black ants: probably Lasius fuliginosus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).
Photo taken in the field below Chazey Wood, near Caversham, UK, on 2012-04-13.
From last April, a pair of black ants: probably Lasius fuliginosus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).
Photo taken in the field below Chazey Wood, near Caversham, UK, on 2012-04-13.
A robin (Erithacus rubecula) with food, presumably for nestlings. In the UK robins lay their eggs from early March to June, and the eggs take 14 days to hatch.
Photo taken in Whiteknights Park, Reading, UK, on 2012-04-27.
From last spring: an alderfly, Sialis sp (Megaloptera: Sialidae) on goosegrass (Galium aparine).
Photo taken in the field below Chazey Wood, near Caversham, UK, on 2012-04-13.
A 24-spot ladybird, Subcoccinella vigintiquatuorpunctata = Subcoccinella 24-punctata (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). This species feeds on vegetation rather than aphids. In the above photo you can see where the ladybird has chewed away a small part of the leaf surface. The following photo from 10 days later shows one which has chewed a much larger area:
First photo taken in the field below Chazey Wood, near Caversham, UK, on 2012-05-08. Second photo taken in Whiteknights Park, Reading, UK, on 2012-05-18.
A 7-spot ladybird, Coccinella septempunctata (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). in which 3 of the spots are connected.
Photo taken in Whiteknights Park, Reading, UK, on 2012-06-06.