Bracket Fungus
Tue 2013-12-10
Brackets of Bjerkandera adusta growing on the end of a horse chestnut log (Aesculus hippocastanum).
The pore surface is grey and there are about 7 pores per mm. This agrees with the 6-7 per m given here. The similar Bjekandera fumosa has a white spore surface and only 2-5 pores per mm (see here)
The spores are about 4 x 2.5um (the field of view is about 86um wide). This agrees with the 4.5–5.5 x 2.5–3um given here.
And the hyphae have clamp connections:
First photo and specimen taken in Whiteknights Park, Reading, UK, on 2013-12-07.
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