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That 1969 Feeling

With the recent flurry of television programs on the 40th anniversary of the Moon landing, it has been quite easy to imagine that we are back living in 1969.  However, I was a bit surpised when I saw the dates in the above advertisement for ScienceBlogs on the New York Times science page.  Presumably this is the result of a programming bug.  I am currently learning Javascript and web programming, and have been spending what seems like several hours per day for the past two weeks investigating similar bugs, so I am becoming rather sensitive to such quirks on web sites.

In what appears to be a reciprocal agreement, there is also an advert for New York Time science articles on the front page of ScienceBlogs, and recently this seemed to get stuck at only displaying a fixed set of articles from several months earlier.  Presumably this was also the result of a programming bug.

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