I knew it was too good to last. Having not had a single day off work due to illness in 15 months, I do two weeks as a teaching assistant and come down with a cold. I noticed two children sniffling and sneezing in the class I was helping on Wednesday, and on Thursday evening I was sniffling and sneezing myself. On Friday morning I prepared Zoe's breakfast and saw her off to school. With her guitar on her back she looked like a himalayan sherpa (she is taking guitar lessons with Berkshire Maestros). Then I went back to sleep until after 10am.
Infections are the bane of new teachers. Back when I was a lab technician, I remember a new female teacher being being laid low for most of her first term by a particularly nasty series of colds and 'flu. Hopefully, I won't be as bad as that. I have mentioned before that I regard children as vectors of disease. And schools might have been specifically designed to maximize the efficiency of those vectors.
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