
This afternoon I discovered this gorged tick on my stomach. It was about 3mm long. Ticks are arachnids, not insects, but I have no idea what sort of tick it is. The web doesn't seem to offer much help in classifying them.
I am a bit uncertain as to where and when I could have picked it up. I haven't been rolling in any grass, or been near any cats or dogs for weeks. I did go up Reading University grounds yesterday but the only thing I did that could have possibly allowed a parasite to get onto me was brush past some tree branches. Maybe some tick eggs have been lying dormant a long while in my clothing or my bed and are just starting to hatch out. I did put the heating on last night, for the first time in ages. I think I will wash all my bed sheets, just to be on the safe side. I have also looked up the symptoms of Lyme disease, the most serious disease transmitted by ticks, just in case.

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