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Some Very Impressive Swearing in the BMJ!

Ben Goldacre really is a national treasure.  He works tirelessly researching and exposing shoddy and fraudulent science reporting.  For this service to science and society at large he deserves at least a FRS, maybe even a knighthood (they could strip one from a newspaper editor to give to him).  In his latest piece, published in the British Medical Journal, he efficiently skewers a particularly shoddy bit of MMR reporting from The Observer newspaper.  The reason that what Ben is doing is so important is that people can actually die as a result of incorrect beliefs in the field of medicine.  Some  journalists don't seem to understand this.  However, unlike some other campaigners for good causes, Ben appears to have no inlflated sense of self-importance, indeed over at his Bad Science blog he seems more proud of having "got some very impressive swearing into one of the world’s most prestigious medical journals"!

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