McAfee Internet Security Suite 8.0

I have been using McAfee Internet Security Suite on Windows XP since 2004. Although it is a little awkward to set up and a little intrusive in its operation, I have always managed to get it working in a reasonably acceptable way, that was, until I upgraded to version 8.0. This version seems to be flakey and badly designed. In particular during installation I managed to get Windows XP into a state in which it would repeatedly reboot during startup. Furthermore, it does not appear to be possible to set up the Privacy Service so that different Windows XP users have different Privacy Service levels without having forcing some of them to log in to the Service each time they log into XP. I would have expected the Privacy Service to use the Windows XP password authentication and I find it really unacceptable that it does not. Consequently, I have now uninstalled the Privacy Service. I now have a usable installation which consists of just McAfee VirusScan and Personal Firewall Plus (I have never felt the need for the SpamKiller).
Something is wrong. For software as important as this, I shouldn't have to fight to get it installed.
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