I occasionally see deer on my journeys to and from work.
Travelling via Farnborough North, I see them from the train it is passing through Sandhurst (in the scrubland next to the sewage works), or else as I am walking through the woods between Farnborough and Frimley. Travelling via Ascot, I glimpse them in the field between Martin's Heron and Ascot (the one that seems to be completely enclosed by woodland). In each of these places I see deer no more than once or twice per year.
However, by far the best place I have found is in the area of scrubland on the inside of the bend as the Guildford line comes into Ascot station. There I see deer about once every one or two weeks. Usually it is just a single female, but I have seen a pair occasionally. Well, this afternoon the female was accompanied by a tiny fawn, about the size of a cat, with light-coloured dappling on its back.
I am not sure what species these deer are. They are small so they could be roe deer, or chinese water deer, but they are probably not muntjac's as they don't have big glands under their eyes. I suppose it is just possible that I am seeing different species in different places.
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