Biology People
Photos of slime molds, fungi, insects, etc
Palaeoanthropology, genetics and evolution
Falconry, ornithology, history
Evolution, development, creationist-bashing and cephalopods
Tetrapod zoology
Snails, slugs, evolution, and natural history
High-class science journalism
Computing People
The EWD archive at the University of Texas
Mathematics, programming
A Practical Theory of Programming
Alloy, software design, specification and analysis
Problem frames, requirements and specification
TLA+, specifying and proving concurrent programs with mathematics
Eiffel and object-oriented programming
Functional programming, software development, etc. (This is Yegge's internal blog from when he worked at Amazon. His more recent blog is less interesting.)
Family People
Photos, paintings and drawings
Ducklings, goslings, hamsters and flowers
Other People
Bad science debunked
Language Log
Physics and astronomy.
The Freethought multimedia archive
Security and security technology
Writing about business, technology & marketing