The Miserable Wasteland of Multidimensional Space

From a review by Myles Aston of Life without Genes: the History and Future of Genomes by Adrian Woolfson, in the Balliol College Annual Record 2001:
The miserable wasteland of multidimensional space was first brought home to me in one gruesome solo lunch hour in one of MIT's sandwich shops. "Wholewheat, rye, multigrain, sourdough or bagel? Toasted, one side or two? Both halves toasted, one side or two? Butter, polyunsaturated margarine, cream cheese or hoummus? Pastrami, salami, lox, honey cured ham or Canadian bacon? Aragula, iceberg, romaine, cress or alfalfa? Swiss, American, cheddar, mozzarella, or blue? Tomato, gherkin, cucumber, onion? Wholegrain, French, English or American mustard? Ketchup, piccalilli, tabasco, soy sauce? Here or to go?"
I know the feeling.
(Via Peter Cameron's website at Queen Mary College, University of London.)