Entries from January 1, 2020 - January 31, 2020


Muscid Fly

The startling yellow-orange face and white frons of a male Schoenomyza litorella (Diptera: Muscidae).  In the females the face is a pale yellow.

Identified using the key of Fonseca, 1968.

Specimen taken in Thames Valley Park, Reading, UK on 2019-04-21.


Toothed Crust Fungus

A toothed crust fungus, probably Steccherinum ochraceum, growing on a fallen birch twig.

Specimen collected in Whiteknights Park, Reading, UK on 2020-01-25.


Gall Wasp

A gall wasp of species Diastrophus rubi (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) which today (2020-01-04) emerged from the bramble gall that I collected in Thames Valley Park on 2019-08-26 (see here for a picture of the gall).

Identification based on the gall key of Redfern and Shirley, 2011.