Evolution and Creationism Compared

From the blog of Henry Gee, Senior Editor for Biological Sciences at Nature:
I cannot put it plainer than this: Evolution is Elegant, Creationism is Crap.
No room for debate there!
From the blog of Henry Gee, Senior Editor for Biological Sciences at Nature:
I cannot put it plainer than this: Evolution is Elegant, Creationism is Crap.
No room for debate there!
Via Google Operating System. More stuff by the Vacationeers can be found here and here.
A powerful argument in favour of static over dynamic typing is that the former can allow you to catch a whole class of thread safety errors at compile time. From a post by Trevion at Nonlinear:
Recently, I've had some fun discovering which parts of the .Net libraries are threadsafe. While reading the documentation would have helped my quest, and testing did discover the non-threadsafe functions I'd missed (granted, four hours into batch runs), in Haskell I'd have been able to tell from the types whether or not the operations were threadsafe. That's a stronger assertion than I've seen any testing library be able to make.
My daughter Zoe talking about the Runescape Forums:
We don't judge people by their age, just their stupidity.
Ouch! And I thought I was off the hook.
I have just noticed this little program on BBC Radio 3 tonight (Saturday, 22:00-22:30 GMT). It is about a series of poisonings carried out by women in the village of Nagyrev in Hungary between 1914 and 1930. A midwife started supplying women with arsenic to solve their relationship problems but things got a bit out of hand. It has been estimated there were about 300 victims [but see comments]. More details here and here. I am surprised that this story hasn't yet been made into a film.