Entries from February 1, 2017 - February 28, 2017


Annular Solar Eclipse

While looking at Google Maps I happened to notice this black spot over the south Atlantic.  I immediately suspected that this must be Google being clever and showing a solar eclipse and, sure enough, Wikipedia shows that there is an annular solar eclipse in progress in that area at this very moment: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_eclipse#/media/File:Central_eclipses_2001-2020.png


Essence of Linear Algebra

I have just finished watching this excellent series of short videos by Grant Sanderson of 3Blue1Brown on the geometric intuitions behind linear algebra:

Essence of Linear Algebra

They remind me of some maths courses it took with the Open University 20 years ago but they included quite a few things that were new to me.  I particularly liked the matrix interpretation of the differentiation of polynomials in the last video.